John Porter Clark was born in Pasadena and studied architecture at Cornell University. Clark came to Palm Springs in 1932, working under the aegis of the Pasadena architectural firm of Van Pelt & Lind. Clark’s partnership with Albert Frey began in 1935, also with Van Pelt & Lind. Once Clark was licensed, the pair formed a full partnership that continued through the 1950s. They went on to shape the Modernist architectural distinction of Palm Springs, creating striking and elegant residential and commercial buildings including the Welwood Memorial Library (1941) and the Tramway Valley Station (1963). In fact, Clark was the overseeing architect for the entire Palm Springs Aerial Tramway project.
The Wright Ludington House was built in 1937 in Rancho Mirage, designed by Clark & Frey, as well as homes for early Rancho Mirage developer, Mac Blankenhorn.